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Created 13-Dec-15
Modified 18-Jan-25
Visitors 53
58 photos
Photos from 2014

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

Two deer in snow.Deer under an apple treeBeech Sapling in snowStump by the canal from Church Pond to Little Osgood PondLean-to, Church PondStump, Church PondHigh Water - Rocky FallsBog Laurel, Church PondPitcher Plant, Paul Smiths VICPitcher Plant cluster with bloomsRed Pitcher PlantYellow & Red Pitcher PlantDog BaneJuly 4th, Saranac Lake #9051July 4th, Saranac Lake #9054July 4th, Saranac Lake #9058July 4th, Saranac Lake #9061July 4th, Saranac Lake #9095July 4th, Saranac Lake #9101